{DIY} Fresh Flower Crown with Mock Orange Blossoms

I have a fun DIY project to share with you today! This super simple fresh flower crown was made using flowers from my yard, and just a few other basic supplies. You can whip one of these up in under an hour, creating a perfect, one-of-a-kind accessory to complement your summertime ensemble.

{DIY} Fresh Flower Crown with Mock Orange Blossoms

{DIY} Fresh Flower Crown with Mock Orange Blossoms

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{DIY} Friendship Bracelet Tutorial ~ Simple Diagonal Stripe

{DIY ~ Friendship Bracelet Tutorial} Learn how to make a diagonal stripe friendship bracelet.

{DIY ~ Friendship Bracelet Tutorial} Learn how to make a diagonal stripe friendship bracelet.

I had totally forgotten about these bracelets until just recently when my son came home from kindergarten proudly sporting a bracelet made from colorful elastic bands that his friend had made for him. The next time I was at his school, I spotted them on every wrist. Apparently they’re all the rage amongst the K-5 set. This conjured up fond childhood memories for me. Back in the 80’s, when I was in elementary school, friendship bracelets were all the rage. My friends and I would sit out on the playground on sunny days, talking and making bracelets for each other. I remembered how much fun I used to have making them, so I decided to make a one for each of my kids. Perhaps I can convince them that they’re cooler than those silly elastic things (doubtful, I admit).

Despite the many hours I had spent making these bracelets as a child, I wasn’t sure I would still remember how (it had been a VERY long time, after all). A few minutes of fiddling around with some embroidery thread answered that question quickly enough though. My hands set to work as though I were back in the 2nd grade. Apparently, some things you never forget 😉 Continue reading

Braided Hairstyles You’ll Swoon Over + Complete Tutorials

I love braided hairstyles, especially the easy-going, bohemian variety. I just can’t ever get my hair to look quite right when I try to do them on myself though. So, in an effort to improve my own braiding skills, I have been scouring the web for thorough, step-by-step braiding tutorials, and I have found some that totally awesome. Of course I can’t keep all this awesomeness to myself, so I’m sharing some of my favorites with you today ~
Braids_Collage Continue reading

{DIY Fashion} Make Your Own Gilded Leaf Necklace


I have been making some new flower crowns for the shop lately with hand-painted metallic flowers and leaves. While I was experimenting with some new painting techniques, I was thinking about how some of the leaves had almost a gilded look, like they had been dipped in gold. I liked them so much that I wanted to come up with a way to wear them myself, (because while I love flower crowns, they’re just not an everyday sort of accessory, ya know?). So, I created this necklace, and I must say, I think it turned out pretty darn good! Continue reading